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Showing posts with the label changes

Life with Neuropathy: Worsening Symptoms

Life with Neuropathy:  Worsening Symptoms Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.  I guess it was to be expected especially because I kept getting the same message over and over. Doctor after doctor. Still, it's hard to hear and to process as truth. I'm talking about the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy and the prediction that the condition will continue to worsen until I'll need a wheelchair to get around.  So far, this has been happening true to form except more quickly than would be considered normal. Initially, I didn't use a cane but walked a bit unsteadily and made it through my day although it always shocked me to see my stooped back and halting walk in the reflection of store windows. Everything was fairly simple just with more pain and more fear of falling.   Sure, it was a problem, annoying, but I managed. Then as my balance faded further I found that a single cane made things a bit easier. Most of the pain was focused on my

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Changes

Life with Neuropathy:  Let's Talk about Changes Welcome to Life with Neuropathy. My name's John and I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. Today let's talk about changes. Before my neuropathy kicked in, I used to be able to easily get up from a chair and go where I wanted to. Whenever I wanted to. No issues, nothing to consider. Things weren't difficult. I could move, walk or exercise, and didn't have to worry that my feet would get numb when I went for a long drive. Read more at Let's Talk about Saying "Owww!"   Now it seems like I'm walking with hard towels balled up under my feet. Balance is sometimes a problem. There’s tingling, needle-pricks and other strange sensations. I’m sure you know what I mean. I never quite feel like I have full contact with the ground. I frequently worry about falling. I  have constant excruciating pain in my hands all the time now.  I also find that because of the balance issues I'm more hesitant to carry

Life with Neuropathy: Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, my name is John. Originally diagnosed with idopathic peripheral neuropathy, I have finally been confirmed as having CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy). I'm just over 60, a husband, father of 8 children and grandfather to 4. I love reading and writing and playing cribbage. I also believe I'm far too young to be dealing with the pain of neuropathy -- and yet here I am. It's part of me now.  It has changed the way that I walk, sit, stand, sleep, move and think. And much more. Getting from one place to another has become an enormous challenged. To find out more visit Let's Talk about Mobility .  I work remotely in a home office and am very thankful that I have a job, a support system, a place to live. Times are hard for us all right now. And when you add in neuropathy or any other health concern, the stress can grow. Become overwhelming. I've felt that anxiety rise at times especially not knowing what's in store for me in the next few weeks