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Showing posts with the label wheelchair

Life with Neuropathy: Worsening Symptoms

Life with Neuropathy:  Worsening Symptoms Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.  I guess it was to be expected especially because I kept getting the same message over and over. Doctor after doctor. Still, it's hard to hear and to process as truth. I'm talking about the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy and the prediction that the condition will continue to worsen until I'll need a wheelchair to get around.  So far, this has been happening true to form except more quickly than would be considered normal. Initially, I didn't use a cane but walked a bit unsteadily and made it through my day although it always shocked me to see my stooped back and halting walk in the reflection of store windows. Everything was fairly simple just with more pain and more fear of falling.   Sure, it was a problem, annoying, but I managed. Then as my balance faded further I found that a single cane made things a bit easier. Most of the pain was focused on my