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Showing posts with the label thanks

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Giving Thanks

                                 Some call it Turkey Day because of the prominent position played by this succulent juicy bird. Others are thankful for the cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade cranberry jelly, fresh rolls, and green bean casserole. But Thanksgiving is more than fabulous filling food.  Thanksgiving (and EVERY single other day!) is a time to give thanks and show gratitude to the many people who serve as our caregivers. Day in and day out...24-7...and definitely not just on holidays they are there for us. Truly. Even on our most difficult days. They see us when the pain is overwhelming. When we seem to have forgotten how to smile. When hope seems to hide.   And yet they are always there to listen, to help, to encourage and to love us. To simply be present in our anguish, disappointment and hurt. For me, my wife is my pillar, my guide, my dearest friend.  She is the best example I know of someone who comes to the rescue even when she doesn't know ex