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Showing posts with the label honesty

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about the Handicap Placard

Hi, my name is John. A nd I have CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ).  How did you feel when you got your Handicap Sticker for your license plate? Or maybe you chose a placard for your rear-view mirror. I got the latter because you can move it easily from vehicle to vehicle.  Honestly, I never thought the day would come.  Although I do remember when I was initially diagnosed with "peripheral neuopathy" -- the idiopathic kind. After a difficult nerve conduction test I was given the terrible news. "You'll just get worse and worse until you need a cane, a walker, and eventually a wheelchair... And there's nothing you can do to prevent it."   No encouragement. No hope. That was a very dark day.  But then I found a neurologist who confirmed after a spinal tap that I had CIDP. And  I learned that there were some options. Which is good. Full disclosure: I'm still waiting to try some of those options but I least I have a sparkle of hope tha