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Showing posts with the label keep trying

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Calluses

Hi, my name is John.   A nd I have CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ). When you have CIDP or any type of neuropathy you must often  figure out different ways to get where you want to go. I use the edge of the bed, sturdy chairs, dressers, and tables at times. I'm very creative. But mostly I rely on my walker to get anywhere. And by anywhere what I really mean is everywhere.  It was only a matter of time  before the calluses started to form. Painful hard spots of skin on my hands and palms developed. Like dry scales that protect me while using my walker.  I need it to lift myself up from a seated position. And I lean on it to support my upper and lower body when getting from place to place.  A lot of repetitive pressure has built up these stiff calluses.   The skin at the site is no longer soft or smooth. Probably never will be again. But that's what lotion is for, right?  Calluses aren't necessarily bad though. Anyone who has toughened up their finge

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Dropping the Ball

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. I drop at least one of my many pills every day. Not sure exactly why, but it happens. All the time now. And then I struggle to pick up what is far below me on the ground. With my joint issues, bending my knees and getting down to the floor is tough some days and impossible on others.  My mobility isn't what it used to be. Read more here .  I've spilled lots of things and have gotten to the point of expecting it to happen. Although I never want to make a mess. Still, I sometimes do. But on the plus side, if I drop something early in the day maybe I can go for a few hours without dropping anything else. Not particularly logical, but then neither is neuropathy.  Besides pills, I've dropped spinach leaves, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, more pills, the lids to pills, crumbs, chocolate chips, tangerine peels, water and other liquids, potato chips, cashews, almonds, soap, my comb, my phone, my keys and more. It's always someth