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Showing posts with the label listening

Life with Neuropathy: Please Listen Before Commenting

Life with Neuropathy: Please Listen Before Commenting Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy (IDP).  So I'm used to having pain. I don't like it but I live with it. It makes me very tired. Just like yours probably does. Please read here to learn more about my  worsening symptoms.  It can even hurt to stand . If only my pain would get tired of trying to hurt me! How I wish. But that's not the way it works. I have constant daily pain that stabs at me and makes everything I do or try to do more difficult. Maybe one day that pain will go away, but that doesn't seem too likely.  I know I'm not alone in being concerned about pain and other maladies. In fact, there are plenty of pretenders trumpeting miraculous recoveries who attach themselves like a lazy remora to my Life with Neuropathy articles. I don't appreciate it. One such sucker printed their identical pitch to the comment sections of over 20 of my articles. Identical. Thanks fo