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Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Resolutions

Hi, my name is John. A nd I have CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ). Thanks for reading these articles about my journey with neuropathy. You are an encouragement me to me.  Since I started writing this blog in September 2023 I've been honored to have over 5000 visitors come to the site. If you like what you read, please follow this blog and you'll be notified first when a new article is posted.  Resolutions can help push us to make changes and improvements. However, your personal list doesn't have to be anything formal. Each and every morning we have a new opportunity to ask more questions and try to find more answers to the health issues we're facing. And to stand up for ourselves as patients who deserve and need competent care.  CIDP, peripheral neuropathy and related afflictions are cruel diseases that exhaust and overwhelm you as a person. They wear out your body through indescribable, sporadic and extremely variable pain and discomfort.  And