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Showing posts with the label funny

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Spinal Tap

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. This bony gentleman isn't afraid to bare his spine and neither was I. So let me share my personal experience with a lumbar puncture (affectionately known as an LP).  Never in my life would I have considered that I might be tapped to share a generous portion of my cerebral spinal fluid to allow vital tests to be run. But that's what the doctor ordered. And I couldn't avoid it.   Honestly, I worked up the situation in my head to be a horror film kind of encounter. You know -- after much struggle and screaming, I would be strapped to a table and then someone would shove a needle into my spine. This, of course, would paralyze me while the unsavory locals stole my wallet, walker, and water bottle.   But it turned out to be a much more banal experience. I was rolled from one room to another way down the hall and then had to roll from one bed to another. After that I tried to get comfortable on my stomach as my back was prepared fo

Life with Neuropathy: A Little Humor, Very Little

Life With Neuropathy:  A Little Humor, Very Little Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.  So I'm used to using a walker. I don't like it but I live with it. Read more about  worsening symptoms.  Here are also a few thoughts about standing tall during tough times.  Today let's talk about humor. One of the ways that I've always survived the daily grind (even before being diagnosed with neuropathy) was looking at the world through a very strange and crooked lens. To be honest, sometimes (OK, lots of times) I was the only one laughing, but as my wife likes to say, "You're definitely able to amuse yourself."  And that's a gift, right?  Plus it's true. I see things in weird ways and sometimes stuff just makes me laugh. No explanation necessary. How about you? What's your general outlook on life? Half-full, half-empty -- or no glass at all? When things got so bad for me that I needed to use a walker, a dear friend