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Showing posts with the label tears

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Saying "Owww!"

Hi, my name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I have difficulty separating my physical pain from the verbal expression of that pain. That means that sounds are triggered by my constant discomfort.  When I hurt, I say "Owww!" It's the way things work for me.  The "Owww!" serves as a placeholder for other things I might want to vocalize. I guess if I tried I could stay silent and avoid these minor verbal outbursts. And sometimes I do. Many times.  Or I might say "Owww!" under my breath.  When I'm completely alone at home, I often scream "Owww!" at the top of my lungs. Maybe scream some other things. Give voice to the emotions that are tied tightly to the knife-stabbing pains tearing through my muscles and joints. Sometimes I get tired of hiding the extent of the anguish that is part of my daily neuoropathy experience.  Read more about more neuropathy journey at Let Me Introduce Myself .  I believe it's OK to acknowled