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Showing posts with the label baking

Life with Neuropathy: Making Cookies the Easy Way

Life with Neuropathy: Making Cookies the Easy Way  Hi, my name is John and I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. At least that's what they told me at my last visit to the neurologist.  When   you have any type of PN (peripheral neuropathy) you must deal with far more than the everyday issues of life. (Read about my story  here .) One of my stresses is losing the freedom to do all the things I used to do. Used to love doing.  Like making cookies to surprise my wife, children or grandchildren. Constant pain and the inability to stand for a long time have made something as simple as stirring up a batch of cookies far more difficult than it used to be.  How about you? What little things do you miss doing? How much time, effort and exhaustion would you donate to bake a dozen chocolate chip cookies? Would it be worth it?  I'd say "Yes." So one of my new post-neuropathy hobbies is finding easy-peasey THREE ingredient cookie recipes. They do exist and some are better than