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Showing posts with the label sugar

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Sugar Comas and Coping

Hi. My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I really hurt. (Here's an article about how tough it is to deal with pain and another about how it's OK to say "Owww!!!" ) When we feed our seasonal hummingbirds the local bees often try to get in on the action. And the more sugar water they get, the more they want. Many of them will literally crawl into the feeders and drown in the tepid sugary fluid. That's how much they crave their sugar coma.  Sometimes I'm tempted to take a similar approach. When I'm feeling a lot of pain even though I know intellectually that snarfing down chocolate isn't good for me I still go ahead and enjoy the temporary  sweetness of candy, pudding, ice cream and other treats. Yes. I fully realize that the ensuing sugar high will turn into a dark post-sugar low, but sometimes I don't make the best choices. And I have an excuse. I'm in a lotta pain. A. Lot. And so I don't always do what's best for