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Showing posts with the label death

Life with Neuropathy: When the Flowers Fade

  Life with Neuropathy: When the Flowers Fade  Hi, my name is John and I have severe idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.  My wife and I lost a son very recently. His death hit us like a sledgehammer to the heart. We responded to the horrible news with unstoppable grief and pain. Soul pain, heart pain, head pain, body pain, nerve pain. Every imaginable hurt enveloped us in this senseless tragic loss. And yet we had no choice except to take the next step even while wondering how we would survive this dark new reality. Fading flowers surrounded us.  My precious wife hurt in her own way. She would never again hold -- or hug -- the sweet child she once carried in her womb. He was lost to her now and nothing could be done. She suffered and grieved as only a mother can. Beyond the pain there were questions, thoughts, worries and anger. Processing a death is not quick or easy. Nor should it be.    The physical pain of my neuropathy was made sharper by all the stress. I felt as though my hands h