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Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Walker Envy

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I get greedy. I see some sugary something that someone else has and I want it. All of it.   Like the delicious super-sized sundae shake pictured above. If you saw this guy strutting down the street wouldn't you give that confection a second look? And wouldn't you wish, for a fleeting second at least, that you were the one making a spectacle of yourself slurping down a monstrous ice cream extravaganza? I have to admit that the same feelings of longing came over me when I saw a guy with the Tesla of walkers. I mean it had everything. All the special features, four slick wheels, a padded seat, comfort-lock brakes and a storage bin under the seat. Heck, it even had a fax machine! It was the bomb. Handy as handy can be. The ultimate in rollator technology and innovation.  And it wasn't mine. But I sure wished it was.  Looking at my own humble walker I felt, well, humbled. I only had two wheels and old tennis balls dec