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Showing posts with the label emotions

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Dropping the Ball

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. I drop at least one of my many pills every day. Not sure exactly why, but it happens. All the time now. And then I struggle to pick up what is far below me on the ground. With my joint issues, bending my knees and getting down to the floor is tough some days and impossible on others.  My mobility isn't what it used to be. Read more here .  I've spilled lots of things and have gotten to the point of expecting it to happen. Although I never want to make a mess. Still, I sometimes do. But on the plus side, if I drop something early in the day maybe I can go for a few hours without dropping anything else. Not particularly logical, but then neither is neuropathy.  Besides pills, I've dropped spinach leaves, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, more pills, the lids to pills, crumbs, chocolate chips, tangerine peels, water and other liquids, potato chips, cashews, almonds, soap, my comb, my phone, my keys and more. It's always someth

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Saying "Owww!"

Hi, my name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I have difficulty separating my physical pain from the verbal expression of that pain. That means that sounds are triggered by my constant discomfort.  When I hurt, I say "Owww!" It's the way things work for me.  The "Owww!" serves as a placeholder for other things I might want to vocalize. I guess if I tried I could stay silent and avoid these minor verbal outbursts. And sometimes I do. Many times.  Or I might say "Owww!" under my breath.  When I'm completely alone at home, I often scream "Owww!" at the top of my lungs. Maybe scream some other things. Give voice to the emotions that are tied tightly to the knife-stabbing pains tearing through my muscles and joints. Sometimes I get tired of hiding the extent of the anguish that is part of my daily neuoropathy experience.  Read more about more neuropathy journey at Let Me Introduce Myself .  I believe it's OK to acknowled

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Mobility

Welcome to Life with Neuropathy. My name's John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Today let's talk about mobility. To give you a point of reference, less than a year ago I was enjoying the Daddy-Daughter dance at my child's wedding. Today I need a walker to get around. Find out more at Let's Talk about Changes .  A walker? Really? Read more about walkers here . To be honest I never thought that I'd even need a cane. Why was I so smug? No particular reason except that I'd always been relatively healthy so why would I start having problems with balance now? I'd never thought about the word neuropathy, didn't really know what it was. Or how it would change my entire world. Read more about my neuropathy journey at Let Me Introduce Myself .  To be honest, I've always had great difficulty finding comfortable shoes but that's how it's been since I started having to wear them. I grew up going barefoot mostly. I'd kick those shoes off as soon as