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Showing posts with the label humble

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Exhaustion

Hi, my name is John.   A nd I have CIDP  (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ). When you have CIDP or any type of neuropathy you must  figure out how to deal with the daily issue of exhaustion. It can be crushing.  Everything is a challenge. Everything takes longer. Often much longer. Everything hurts and the tearing pain is a constant reminder of the many changes you're  facing. Constantly. Always. Every moment.  You can have neuropathy and still LOOK marvelous! People don't necessarily see that you even have a problem unless you have a walker or cane. And they certainly don't understand what it's like living with CIDP. Or realize that having constant pain makes you tired.   I used to be able to fall asleep the moment I flopped into bed. I was out. Completely. No problems, no issues. In fact, I've earned several Gold Medals in Napping.  Now when I try to sleep I can't quite let go and relax because of the pain surging through my limbs. Squeezing

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Walker Envy

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I get greedy. I see some sugary something that someone else has and I want it. All of it.   Like the delicious super-sized sundae shake pictured above. If you saw this guy strutting down the street wouldn't you give that confection a second look? And wouldn't you wish, for a fleeting second at least, that you were the one making a spectacle of yourself slurping down a monstrous ice cream extravaganza? I have to admit that the same feelings of longing came over me when I saw a guy with the Tesla of walkers. I mean it had everything. All the special features, four slick wheels, a padded seat, comfort-lock brakes and a storage bin under the seat. Heck, it even had a fax machine! It was the bomb. Handy as handy can be. The ultimate in rollator technology and innovation.  And it wasn't mine. But I sure wished it was.  Looking at my own humble walker I felt, well, humbled. I only had two wheels and old tennis balls dec