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Showing posts with the label standing

Life with Neuropathy: Standing Tall

Life with Neuropathy:  Standing Tall  Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. So I'm used to pain. I don't like it but I live with it. Read more about worsening symptoms.  We've all heard the statement that "sitting is the new smoking." That just means it's better to stand in the sun than sit around in dark rooms peering at screens. Merely making the effort to stand is a type of e xercise that helps with balance and circulation.  What if you need help to stand? Get it! Lean against a tree or a pillar on your front porch. Better yet, maybe hold someone's hands or accept get a hug for a little extra support. Stand together gazing at a shimmering sunset.  On a tough day this assistance could be enough to get you to your feet. Or maybe not.  You won't know until you try.   But you won't be able to try unless you give someone the opportunity to touch you, know you. Reach out to you. Understand what you're facing and