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Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about The Unexpected

Hi, my name is John. When  you have neuropathy you must deal with so much more than the daily issues of life.  Sure, you have to handle things like getting around, getting dressed, making a living, caring for family and staying connected to friends. But you must also keep trying to find answers to your tough health problems.  There are always so many things to do and every single one of them is more difficult now with neuropathy. Tougher than ever before.   And then sometimes the unexpected happens. We learn something big, something bad. We're given answers that hurt.  It's like tripping over a tangled barbed-wire fence. One that you didn't see. All of a sudden nothing is going right. And certainly not at all the way you wanted things to go.  You don't know exactly when you'll stop falling. Hit bottom. Catch your breath.  And in such moments, you need time to think. To grieve, to weep, to pray.  We need silence. And an opportunity to process the hard, unexpected new