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Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Tossing Things

Hi, my name is John.   A nd I have CIDP  (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy ). When you have CIDP or any type of neuropathy you must  figure out how to deal with the daily issue of trying to move things both big and small while pushing a walker, or holding a cane, or ambulating unsteadily on your own two feet.  (Ah...for the good old days...)  Simply put, nothing is as easy as it used to be...   I've taken to tossing things like pill bottles, pillows, a TV remote, socks, towels, my phone or other items that like to fly. Food, not so much. But if it's carefully contained and the lid won't pop open, I might give that a try sometime. The bed and couch make nice soft landing spots!  This is definitely not the same as dropping things -- because my tremendous tossing efforts are totally intentional . Granted, sometimes what I'm throwing ends up on the floor so I guess that technically turns it into a dropped item. But against my will. That's for sure.  Wi