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Showing posts with the label depressing

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Pain

Welcome to Life with Neuropathy.  Hi, my name is John. A nd I have IPN (Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy ).   Today let's talk about pain. Before my diagnosis of neuropathy I had various experiences with pain. Lots of dental work, a broken arm, the occassional headache, and constant foot pain.  I could never find comfortable shoes so preferred to not wear any. Especially dress shoes.  But the nerve pain that comes with neuropathy is different.  Very different. It's not something you can understand until you have to deal with it yourself.  Through the years I've seen family and friends deal with various medical issues. I saw my father struggle with intense head pain and neurological imbalances. I watched my wife go through labor and childbirth. Talk about real, intense pain. I wanted to help but could only be there for her -- listen to her. There was nothing I could do to stop the hurt she was experiencing.  Despite the best efforts at empathy, often we can only truly realiz

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Saying "Owww!"

Hi, my name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I have difficulty separating my physical pain from the verbal expression of that pain. That means that sounds are triggered by my constant discomfort.  When I hurt, I say "Owww!" It's the way things work for me.  The "Owww!" serves as a placeholder for other things I might want to vocalize. I guess if I tried I could stay silent and avoid these minor verbal outbursts. And sometimes I do. Many times.  Or I might say "Owww!" under my breath.  When I'm completely alone at home, I often scream "Owww!" at the top of my lungs. Maybe scream some other things. Give voice to the emotions that are tied tightly to the knife-stabbing pains tearing through my muscles and joints. Sometimes I get tired of hiding the extent of the anguish that is part of my daily neuoropathy experience.  Read more about more neuropathy journey at Let Me Introduce Myself .  I believe it's OK to acknowled

Life with Neuropathy: Let Me Introduce Myself

Hi, my name is John. Originally diagnosed with idopathic peripheral neuropathy, I have finally been confirmed as having CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy). I'm just over 60, a husband, father of 8 children and grandfather to 4. I love reading and writing and playing cribbage. I also believe I'm far too young to be dealing with the pain of neuropathy -- and yet here I am. It's part of me now.  It has changed the way that I walk, sit, stand, sleep, move and think. And much more. Getting from one place to another has become an enormous challenged. To find out more visit Let's Talk about Mobility .  I work remotely in a home office and am very thankful that I have a job, a support system, a place to live. Times are hard for us all right now. And when you add in neuropathy or any other health concern, the stress can grow. Become overwhelming. I've felt that anxiety rise at times especially not knowing what's in store for me in the next few weeks