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Showing posts from September, 2024

The First 10,000 Visitors: Thanks for Stopping By

                                  YOU Are One of the First 10,000 Visitors:  Thanks for Stopping By! Thanks for visiting the LifeWithNeuropathy blog and reading some random thoughts about surviving and thriving with the pain of peripheral neuropathy.  I was initially diagnosed with Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy. Then my neurologist decided -- after much testing -- that I had CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demylinating Polyneuropathy). Next I was forced to get a second opinion because my old neuro doc moved away and my new neuro doc wasn't sure I actually had CIDP. Turns out that in his opinion, I didn't.  So much for getting IVIG infusions as I'd been earlier promised. That pathway was shut to me.   Living with neuropathy of any type and from any source is difficult. The pain level is often what I call "off the charts." Not that it always feels completely horrible, but quite frequently it does.  Like anyone with a damaged peripheral nervous system, I have no choic

This Little Toilet of Mine: Definitely isn't ADA Compliant!

  This Little Toilet of Mine:  Definitely Isn't ADA Compliant!   Hi, my name is John and I ha ve severe Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy (IDP).  So I'm used to pain. I don't like it one bit but I live with it. It makes me very tired. Just like your pain probably does. Please read here to learn more about my  worsening symptoms.  It can even hurt to  stand . Allow me to share a little story with you... 'Twas the night before the wedding and all through the Air B-n-B, 10 people split five bedrooms, and two bathrooms, not three... Not sure how many of you have tried an Air B-n-B and been disappointed. The people who are brave enough to open their home (or one of their many homes) really don't know who they're getting when they provide the secret code to a stranger. Of course, those who are renting a place for the night don't know what's in store for them until they open that front door.  Things can go very well or very poorly. From my very minimal experienc