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Showing posts from October, 2023

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Taking a Break

  What do you do to relax? How do you find people, places or things that take you away from your troubles and allow you to enjoy a quiet breath? What makes you forget your pain, even for a moment? Whose quiet smile gladdens your heart?  (Here's an article about how tough it is to  deal with pain  and another about how it's  OK to say "Owww!!!" )   Taking time for yourself is crucial. Finding that safe space may be more difficult when you have peripheral neuropathy because of mobility limitations. Our pangs of pain continually threaten to bring us back into the deep difficulties we desperately need a break from.   For me, getting outside to look at the backyard maple bursting red, gold and orange is a most excellent break. My eyes are washed clean by the beautiful colors. I love watching the grandkids playing with their toys, goofing around in a box, or trying to find their shoes. Taking a short ride in my scooter in the fresh air can be refreshing, even heart-warming.

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Sugar Comas and Coping

Hi. My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. Sometimes I really hurt. (Here's an article about how tough it is to deal with pain and another about how it's OK to say "Owww!!!" ) When we feed our seasonal hummingbirds the local bees often try to get in on the action. And the more sugar water they get, the more they want. Many of them will literally crawl into the feeders and drown in the tepid sugary fluid. That's how much they crave their sugar coma.  Sometimes I'm tempted to take a similar approach. When I'm feeling a lot of pain even though I know intellectually that snarfing down chocolate isn't good for me I still go ahead and enjoy the temporary  sweetness of candy, pudding, ice cream and other treats. Yes. I fully realize that the ensuing sugar high will turn into a dark post-sugar low, but sometimes I don't make the best choices. And I have an excuse. I'm in a lotta pain. A. Lot. And so I don't always do what's best for

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Dropping the Ball

My name is John and I have peripheral neuropathy. I drop at least one of my many pills every day. Not sure exactly why, but it happens. All the time now. And then I struggle to pick up what is far below me on the ground. With my joint issues, bending my knees and getting down to the floor is tough some days and impossible on others.  My mobility isn't what it used to be. Read more here .  I've spilled lots of things and have gotten to the point of expecting it to happen. Although I never want to make a mess. Still, I sometimes do. But on the plus side, if I drop something early in the day maybe I can go for a few hours without dropping anything else. Not particularly logical, but then neither is neuropathy.  Besides pills, I've dropped spinach leaves, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, more pills, the lids to pills, crumbs, chocolate chips, tangerine peels, water and other liquids, potato chips, cashews, almonds, soap, my comb, my phone, my keys and more. It's always someth

Life with Neuropathy: Let's Talk about Pain

Welcome to Life with Neuropathy.  Hi, my name is John. A nd I have IPN (Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy ).   Today let's talk about pain. Before my diagnosis of neuropathy I had various experiences with pain. Lots of dental work, a broken arm, the occassional headache, and constant foot pain.  I could never find comfortable shoes so preferred to not wear any. Especially dress shoes.  But the nerve pain that comes with neuropathy is different.  Very different. It's not something you can understand until you have to deal with it yourself.  Through the years I've seen family and friends deal with various medical issues. I saw my father struggle with intense head pain and neurological imbalances. I watched my wife go through labor and childbirth. Talk about real, intense pain. I wanted to help but could only be there for her -- listen to her. There was nothing I could do to stop the hurt she was experiencing.  Despite the best efforts at empathy, often we can only truly realiz